Importing Internet Bookmarks and URLs

Keeping all your bookmarks under one secure and reliable roof is very handy when it comes to locating and using them. To facilitate this approach, doogiePIM gives you the option to import your bookmarks from some popular browsers. You can import your bookmarks from Internet Explorer, FireFox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera browsers and SurfGem.

Before importing any data into doogiePIM, you must go to the section concerned. To import Website Bookmark URLs you must first go to the URLs section.

helper To Go To The URLs Section

rightarrowChoose from the Main Menu "File/Go To Section/Bookmarks", or
rightarrowClick on the Main Section Web Browser Toolbar icon:

helper Importing Microsoft Internet Explorer Bookmarks

Select from the main menu "File/Import/Microsoft Internet Explorer".
Click on OK to confirm the import and doogiePIM will do the rest. It will locate your MS Internet Explorer bookmarks automatically and will import them. Once import is successful you should see a new folder inserted onto your Navigator as "Internet Explorer Bookmarks".

helper Importing FireFox, Netscape or Mozilla Bookmarks

1. As above, select "File/Import/FireFox, Netscape or Mozilla" menu command.
2. This will bring up the standard Windows open dialog box where you need to locate the bookmark file named 'bookmark.htm' in your FireFox/Netscape/Mozilla installed folder and open it.

Depending on your system settings, the 'bookmark.htm' file may be stored in MS 'Windows' directory in the 'Application Data' folder. Expand the folder until you see 'bookmark.htm' file. Select it by clicking on it once and clicking on the Open button or double click to import it.

helper Importing Opera Bookmarks

1. As above, select "File/Import/Opera" menu command.
2. This will bring up the standard Windows open dialog box where you need to locate the Opera bookmark file named 'OperaX.adr' in your Opera folder and open it.
In the Opera bookmark file name after the name Opera there is a number which indicates the Opera file version number. If you are running Opera 5, then your Opera bookmark file name should read 'Opera5.adr'

helper Importing SurfGem Bookmarks

1. As above, select "File/Import Bookmarks/SurfGem" menu command.
2. This will bring up the standard Windows open dialog box where you need to locate the SurfGem bookmark file named in your SurfGem folder and open it.

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